Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Feed Me!

My Daddy put together my high chair, so I had to give it a little trial run. I'm not exactly big enough yet, but I sure LOOKED pretty big time....

Hey.....could you pass the pureed peas please???

What's Up Doc?

To celebrate Max's 4 month birthday, we treated him to a trip to see his favorite Doc. He was all smiles when they were checking him out on the exam table, but wasn't so thrilled about getting weighed, and screamed when Mommy put him down.....

Don't worry Max, 14 lbs 9 oz is a respectable weight for a 4 month old!

Especially since you stretched out to be a full 25 inches! Are you listening, Jack?!
This puts Max in the 53% for length, the 42% for weight, and the ummmm......86% for head circumference!!!!!! Daddy had a good laugh over that....he thought that the size of your head came from Mommy, so he measured Mommy's head when the doctor left the room. He thought it was hysterical, until he measured his OWN head....and guess what? Your head actually comes from your DADDY.....whose head is way bigger than Mommy's. Doesn't matter, because it just means you have a large brain....the better to think with, my dear!

Max had another round of shots, and did scream a little louder this time. Poor guy. He ran a low fever after, and his sweet little thighs were pretty swollen the next day. Nothing that a little baby tylenol and snuggling on the couch couldn't fix!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

4 Months Old!

These pictures say it all, don't they?! Max has this "posing for the monthly chair picture" thing down!

Hey.....there's a Daddy in my chair!

And Curious wanted to get in on the chair action too.....although he hasn't grown much since last month.....

but Max sure has!

Hey Little Buddy!

Hi Nathanael....yep, that's LITTLE buddy! I haven't really been able to say that, because there's not many people who are little-er than me!

I had fun hanging out with you last week, and showing you around my classroom at Day One! When we were playing on the floor, I think that we were having almost as much fun as the mommies were when they were talking!

I'm glad you're here Nathanael....we can hang any time!

Listen Closely Baubee!

Monday, September 28, 2009

How Do You Make A Talker?

When Baubee got here, I had so many things to tell her! I wanted to make sure that my Zaydee could hear my stories too, so Mommy took some video. Here's the first one, with commentary from Uncle Scottie....I guess I was really impressing him!

How Do You Make A Reader?

Max is famous. He's the hero boy in Where The Wild Things Are. Mommy loves that book, and when Max was in my belly, I dreamed of reading it to him. When he's bigger he can read with me, and say all of the "Max" "Let the wild rumpus start!"
Mommy loves reading. I want Max to love reading too. So how does a Mommy help a boy to love reading? Well, we start by reading books about Max....
And having Uncle Scottie read books......

And reading books with Baubee too....
Uncle Scottie does the BEST voices! My favorite voices were the people in WhoVille in Horton Hears A Who.....
Thanks for showing me all of the pictures Uncle Scottie! Now can you do the voices again?!

Loving My Baubee!

My Baubee came to visit me this weekend, and we had so many laughs together!

She gave me lots of cuddles and kisses, and I had a good time hanging out with her and Uncle Scottie when Mommy and Daddy went on a date.
Baubee thinks I'm pretty cute......I really have no idea why......
OK.....maybe I have a LITTLE idea.....
She sang me lots of funny songs, and I think she really liked my laugh (I'm working on perfecting it, actually).
I love my Baubee so much. I can't wait until she comes back to visit again!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Report Card

Mommy says I'm crazy. She says she loves me sooooo much, but that I'm a pretty crazy boy. And then she laughs at me.

Yesterday I decided that I'm too big for naps. I'm over them. Really. I mean, why sleep when there's so many new things to check out? So I tricked Mommy. I pretended to fall asleep in my car seat when she went to run errands, but then I woke up as soon as she got me out of the car. I made her carry me the whole time we were in Babies R Us. I'm pretty cute, so lots of people smiled at me. And Mommy was very proud of how sweet and quiet I was. Of course. I got to cuddle with Mommy the whole time as she held me. In the diaper aisle. And in the monitor aisle. And in the bottle aisle. Ahhhh.....this is the life. Then we went to the bookstore. Yep, you got nap! Mommy rocked me in the Parenting aisle. While she balanced a book about how to make your baby sleep with the other hand. Hah. Hah hah hah! Then I had lunch in the bookstore. Sort of. I only wanted half of my bottle. Why? Why not. Then I got to have my diaper changed in the bookstore bathroom. And I tried to touch all the dirty parts of the changing table. While Mommy was trying to change me. And then I tried to practice my rolling over skills. On the changing table. In the bathroom. And then we got home. And I was still over naps. Over them. Peace out naps. I'm too big for you.

Mommy considered pulling her hair out of her head. But then she had to start laughing. Because even when I make my own rules, I'm pretty darn cute. And I just smile at her. And laugh. And look into her eyes with my big blue ones....and suddenly she doesn't really care that I don't nap. She just grabs some advil for her aching back, and rocks me some more.

Then today, I made sure that everything was right on schedule. Just to keep her on her toes. I slept in just long enough for Mommy to get ready for the day. I drank a full bottle just in time to leave for playgroup. I napped in the car on the way there. I woke up right when we sat down for circle time, and smiled big smiles at the teacher. Even Mommy was on her best behavior. She was nice to all of the other mommies. Even the ones with boob jobs and nannies. And in return, she learned that maybe we all do have some things in common. One mommy and her baby are Jewish, like us. One baby was getting stuck rolling over just like I've been doing. One baby is thinking about teething and getting really upset that it's taking so long, just like me. And another baby never nursed at all, and now her mommy can't figure out what formula is best. Wow....we learn some interesting things at group sometimes! Then I snuggled up with Mommy in the rocking chair at Day One and finished my bottle, had a good poop, and fell asleep on the way home! The day was going so well that Mommy wanted to stay out for a little longer. But it was so hot out that we really didn't have anywhere good to go. Except the grocery store. Where I was cool, calm and collected in the dairy aisle. And the poultry aisle. And at the deli counter.

Whether it's a good day or a rough day, it's always something new. Mommy and I have fun on our adventures, and I have fun making sure that Mommy doesn't always know what to expect!

On A Roll

Now that I've mastered rolling over from my tummy to my back, I thought I'd take on the challenge of rolling from my back to my front. I'm not exactly a pro yet though.....

Sometimes I get stuck in this position.....

Bear with me folks....I'll make it all the way over soon!

Monday, September 21, 2009

I Love You Pop-Pop!

My Pop-Pop came to visit me, and he taught me so many how to look cute in a white shirt and linen shorts! Thanks for finding these cool shorts for me Pauline! Now I can look just like my Pop-Pop! Except he has more hair than me. Mommy says that's a good thing though....that Simons have good hair. I guess it means that I may be bald now, but I won't be bald when I'm a grown-up!
We did lots of fun things when Pop-Pop was here. I showed him all of the places that I like to hang the drive-through Dairy, where we had some soft serve. (But where my Pop-Pop comes from, they call it frozen custard.)
My buddy Jack and I both got to skip curfew tonight, and hang with the big if they'd only give us some ice cream!
Pop-Pop and I had lots of time to just chill....
He helped me with some of my new tricks. Like tummy time.....
Are you watching this, Mom???
And he brought me these great pants that Pauline found for me.....check out my booty....
And a Gap Baby pose....
Here's my GQ serious face.... I love you soooo much Pop-Pop! Thanks for a really fun week!!! Pauline, I can't wait to meet you! Thank you for letting us borrow Pop-Pop for a whole week, and for always thinking of me and checking out my blog! We have a room for you (right next door to MINE!) when you're ready to come to visit!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Playdate With My Boy Jack

My buddy Jack came over to hang out and watch the game today. Here he is giving me the "What's up?" head nod (Mommy's camera made him blurry because he was in motion). We even played together....well, sort of. I shared my toy and we both looked at it at the same time. Mommy says this is a sign of good things to come. Like sharing. And playing nice. If you ask me, it's just a matter of time before Jack and I learn all of the good things about playdates. Like how to bite. And throw sand. And hit each other over the head with dump trucks. And ride over someone's foot with a bike........let the games begin!!

It's Sunday.....Again!

Pop-Pop and Pauline made sure that I had a football that I couldn't hurt myself with, and my Nana sent me some pint-sized Eagles gear that was good for Summer weather....
And when I drool through my Eagles gear, Mommy has a back-up outfit for me. Because according to her, Sunday is all about what you wear. Now if I could only get that damn ball......