Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Nesting: The phenomenon where pregnant women become incredibly domestic, usually characterized by cleaning, cooking, laundry, and excessive organizing.

Most signs point to the fact that I will probably never be a nester. As most of you know, I lack the very important domestic gene that many women are born with. I can load the dishwasher, wipe down the counters, and every so often, put things away. I've gotten better at laundry. But my husband is the one who sweeps, takes out the trash, scrubs the pots and pans, and generally makes sure that things aren't disgusting.

I could probably cook, if I wanted to. Sean will admit that I am the best grilled-cheese maker in the whole world. This may just be positive reinforcement so that I continue to do it, but I'll take it.

Soooo...I was caught a little off guard last night when I suddenly had the urge to make banana muffins....from scratch. Could I be NESTING? Or just nauseated by the 8 bananas sitting in the fruit bowl, about to rot? Suddenly, I was gathering ingredients and baking away! The recipe said to "sift" the dry ingredients, but I figured that was too much work. Mixing them around with a wooden spoon seemed fine, until clouds of flour and sugar flew out of the bowl and on to Tucker's apartment....which sort of sticks out now and can get in the way! The recipe also said that I needed unsalted butter. Hmmm....I only had one stick of unsalted, and one stick of salted. I mixed both of them together and figured semi-salted would be fine, if I added in a little extra sugar to the mix. Add some squashed up bananas, and a few butterscotch chips on top (I threw those in for good measure...aren't I clever? Rachel Ray...watch out!)....this was starting to look like a project straight out of Martha Stewart's kitchen! Soon enough, I had 24 happy looking muffins baking away in the oven.

The muffins were delicious. The kitchen was a mess. And who knows, perhaps I am truly on my way to being a nester!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Cigars, Golf, and Football

You're right, this is not a post about Tucker's Mom, but about Tucker's Dad :)

Sean took a quick trip to Arizona over Christmas to visit with his brother Harvey, sister-in-law Teri, and nephew Aaron. He was also joined by Dad and Pauline (who flew in from New Jersey) and Joe, Mindy, and Brayden.

It sounds like he had a really wonderful time there, and was able to indulge in lots of "Boy Things" since I was home in San Francisco (resting, of course!). Apparently, the "Boy Things" included video games with Aaron, cigars and golf with Dad, Harvey and Joe, lots of good food (including S'Mores in the backyard!), a few rounds of golf, a football game, and even some booze. I sure missed seeing everyone, but I'm glad that Sean had a chance to be there. We were even able to "Skype" together, and we lit the Chanukah candles with Sean on the other side of the computer!

Slave to Fashion

Ahhhhh.....maternity clothes. Just the thought of them can conjure up images of enormous blouses with huge bows on the front. I haven't yet decided if being pregnant in the era of "Angelina Jolie's maternity style" is a blessing or a curse.

However, I am determined to make it through these 9 months without embarassing myself, and most importantly, with some of my fashion pride intact. I figure I should also try not falling over and breaking my ankle while trying to walk on my usual 6 inch stiletto heels. I am a slave to fashion, but not at the expense of protecting little Tucker's bubble of existence.

So what is one to do when her pants no longer fit? Now don't get me wrong....they fit everywhere else OTHER than my stomach. But rotating between one pair of black stretch pants and one stretchy black skirt for the last three weeks of work has left me feeling like a "Fashion Don't". Even with those silly "belly bands" that are supposed to hold your "old" pants up, I feel like I'm squashing the little avocado that is my child. So yesterday, it was off to the mall for some retail therapy. Here are some maternity "fascinating facts" that I picked up along the way:

1) Shopping is exhausting. The mere act of walking around a mall for three hours, picking out clothes, and trying them on...used to be exhilarating. Now? Not so much. It was like setting off on a safari. I had to book-end the trip with lunch at the Nordstrom's cafe, and then dinner at the end of my trip. I had to carry my own water bottle, and stop for random stretch breaks. And I'm not even that huge yet!!

2) Certain stores are now completely off of the browsing rotation, which cuts my shopping time in half. Lucky jeans? Off the list. Abercrombie? No way. Unless there's elastic in the waistband, it's a no go. Damn skinny teenagers.

3) Motherhood Maternity is actually growing on me. They may not be the cutest store, but they sure know how to cater to preggies. Why? A) They're cheap! They're like the Target/Old Navy of maternity clothes. B) The super comfy maternity waistband on most of their clothes is like the holy grail for those of us with a swollen uterus. Not too tight, not so loose that it falls down. And they have it on everything from dress pants to jean skirts. C) THEY HAVE A BATHROOM. D) They believe in blasting the air conditioning in the dressing rooms, and the sales lady said to me "Let me move you to this room, where the A/C is better. Pregnant women need their A/C". E) They won't let you carry around all your s*&t until your arm is ready to fall off. Why not? Because you're pregnant! So they carry everything FOR you, so that you and your growing baby can relax, have a drink of water, and spend more money.

4) I may not be in my 20's any more, but that hasn't stopped me from visiting my favorite store "Forever 21". I am determined to buy cheap (and cute) tops there until I can no longer squeeze Tucker's little apartment in them anymore. And then, I will go there just for the jewelry and bags. When that day comes, I will cry. Until then, I am thanking god for the current empire waist trend, and the rows upon rows of $9.80 tops.

5) Bras. If you are a man, please stop reading right now. Ladies....you may continue. I have officially graduated to a larger size. My cups runneth over. And from what I hear, this is just the beginning. I refuse to buy nursing bras now, for two reasons. 1) Word on the street is that I will grow even bigger before this whole experience is complete. Dear lord, I may look like Dolly Parton by my third trimester! 2) I flat out refuse to buy a bra that snaps OPEN to expose my boobs, like some kind of skanky stripper contraption. When I'm nursing, that's a different story. But until then, I prefer my brassieres to be of the "coverage" type. Therefore, the Victoria's Secret sale still allowed me to feel like a lady, at least for another few months :)

Now if I could only find some shoes.....

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve!

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve! In the morning, we had our 16 week (and 5 days!) doctor's appointment. Dr. Nunes found Tucker's heartbeat right away, and it was a strong 160+ beats per minute! All of my lab work so far has been fine, and my blood pressure and other pregnancy-related things were all normal. Yay! Then we went over to the lab for the next round of prenatal tests that happen around week 16. Let me tell you, there was no Christmas cheer in that lab! The lab-lady was not the best blood-taker in the world, and she had to stick me a few times (and then wiggle the needle around) before any of my blood slowly trickled out. It didn't help that she kept saying "Your veins are NOT cooperating". Yeah lady. I told you they wouldn't. But keep hurting my feelings.....either I'll pass out on you, or I'll just hold my breath so that NO blood comes out. Sean figured out a great trick though....when he was rubbing my ankle through all this (because I was laying down), he dug his nails into my leg.....and it was the perfect way to take my mind off of dracula-lady who couldn't figure out how to get any blood.

On a much lighter note, we got to see Susie and Matt at their Christmas Eve brunch! We had so much fun celebrating with them, and their family and friends! Soon-to-be Grandma Pam, Grandpa Pat, Grandma Ann and Grandpa Barry were all there.....and so excited for both of us! Susie and Matt had put out a great spread of holiday treats, and we couldn't help but imagine what next Christmas Eve would be like with two tiny babies joining us!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Skype Me

Skype! For those of you who haven't heard, it's a way to talk to friends and family over the computer, and you can use live video. Katie and the Bend Cousins showed us how the cool kids roll with Skype, and then we had to try it for ourselves.

So far, we've had some fun conversations with the New Jersey and AZ relatives, including a great discussion with Alec and Shelby about baby names. Some of their suggestions: Bluebell, Pinkbell, and Tinkerbell. Maybe for a middle name :)

Then we got to talk to Aaron and the rest of the AZ family.....and for the past few nights we've been able to light the Chanukah candles with Aaron and Harvey over Skype! It's truly a modern Chanukah when we can share the Chanukah blessing with family in another state!

Here's how it looked....

Monday, December 22, 2008

Star Students

Tonight we attended our first prenatal class, called "Healthy Pregnancy". It was taught by a certified nurse midwife, who had a great attitude. As in, "Pregnancy is one of the safest things you can do. If you're uncomfortable sleeping in a certain position, roll over. If you're doing anything wrong, you'll pass out before you can actually hurt your baby". Good to know.

When we walked in, we quickly realized that in the very small class......Sean was the ONLY Dad there. God bless him. He asked great questions, made the class laugh, and was so supportive. The funniest part was when we walked in and he found a seat with a nice fluffy pillow on it. "I don't need this" he said, and threw it on the chair next to him. Ummmm....that's for me. And the footstool that you're propped up on? That's mine too :)

A few incredibly important tidbits of information we picked up:
1) Flaxseed oil is good for Tucker's brain development.
2) Aches, pains, and cravings for junk food are perfectly normal.
3) My "round ligaments" are stretching. And I may go up at least half a shoe size. Bummer. I could have to buy more shoes!
4) Do yoga. Stretch. Avoid nitrates. And most importantly:
5) Goat cheese is FINE. As long as it's pasteurized!
6) When I asked if it was possible to have back pain this early, our teacher said "Absolutely. Some things that could make it worse would be your changing posture, your changing belly area, and your ummmm....shoes". Suddenly, the entire class looked down at my knee-high, platform boots and started laughing. Ok. So perhaps it's time for Tucker's mom to re-think her wardrobe....but only just a bit :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Few More Pictures....

Tucker's Mom and Dad

The Whole Gang

Rick and Jason gave us a great Chanukah present....some fun books to start Tucker's library off with. But according to Jason, Tucker is actually Zoe. Ever since they found out we were pregnant, Jason has been calling our baby "Zoe". Kinda has a ring to it! Zoe's first books are now "Goodnight San Francisco", just like "Goodnight Moon", but with all of the great SF landmarks, AND my personal favorite "Goodnight Bush"....with classic lines like "Goodnight ballot box. Goodnight FOX." and "Goodnight to Dick Cheney, whispering 'hush'". Zoe says thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Happy Chanukah!

Tonight we threw a little party to celebrate the first night of Chanukah. We were joined by some great friends, who brought their Chanukah (and goyim!) traditions with them. We had soooooo much food....latkes, challah, salad, brisket and veggies, and Honey Mann's amazingly delicious kugel.

Steven said the blessing over the challah.......

Rick showed Sean how to recite the proper blessings over the Chanukah candles. When they were through, Sean asked "When are we going to say the blessing that Kim always says?" Ummmmm.....we just did that one. Except that Rick's flawless Hebrew sounds mighty different than mine :)

Once dinner was over, we indulged in Rick and Jason's home-made jelly donuts....unbelievably, ridiculously delicious!

Jason shows us how to "do the dip" into the powdered sugar!

Jason, Rick, Honey, Steven, Mike, and Bill.....thank you for sharing such a wonderful "First Night" with us!


Yep....another post about food. This morning we've been getting ready for our Chanukah party tonight, and Sean bribed me with food in order to get me a) out of bed and b) in the car and running errands with him.

There is a place in the Mission called Dynamo Donuts. Apparently it is THE hip new spot for gourmet donuts. We have been wanting to go there for a VERY long time, but usually get the craving at night, and let's just say that part of the Mission is not a place for kids like us after about 5 pm. So off we drove...in the rain....this morning.

Three words. Bacon. Maple. Donut. No joke. It's like the best maple bar, with real BACON on top. My husband was smitten. Just for good measure, we also had to try the Lemon Pistachio, the Caramel Salt, the Vanilla Bean, and the Chocolate Spice. Pretty damn good. But not as good as bacon on a maple donut. Yes Peter, this is a destination with your name all over it!!

Oh yeah...we also finished our errands.....chanukah candles, challah, and folding chairs. Actually the folding chair lady stood us up and now we have to go somewhere else, but that's a post for another time....and does it really matter if we have chairs for the party? We had BACON donuts for breakfast!

And because this is a pregnancy blog....I think I could feel Tucker dancing in my belly when I ate the donuts. Tucker LOVES donuts.

Friday, December 19, 2008


We DO have a picture of the "Man Embrace"! Thanks Sus!

Won't these two guys make great dads??!

Here are a few more pictures of the night that we told Susie and Matt that we were pregnant. They took us out for a wonderful celebration dinner!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


There have been moments in my life that I can look back on, and clearly see how my path went in a very distinct direction, based on certain decisions that I made, or even better....based on pure fate and a little bit of luck.

Susie "My Roomie" and I were paired together in the dorms at Cal Poly, by complete random chance. If you are close enough to me to read this blog, then you know that for the past ten years, Susie and I have been "Roomies" and best friends, experiencing not only the college years together, but the "grown-up" years after that. Susie and her husband Matt (and their entire families) are not only great friends of ours, but they have truly become our "surrogate family" here in the Bay Area.

Random fate brought Susie and I together. It helped us to find our amazing husbands. It brought us both to the same area to live after college. That same fate has led to the most beautiful miracle that we could ever share......

My dear best friend Susie is pregnant too!!! For two women who have shared so many things (a bedroom, make-up, jewelry, clothes, favorite drinks--Starbucks White Mocha, favorite movies--Maverick, anyone? and "Nobody puts Baby in the corner", favorite songs--we used to "Roll Out" like nobody's business, teary phone calls and excited ones, dance floors, proposals, bachelorette parties and weddings, decorating tips, mac and cheese recipes, and so much more) to be able to share the miracle of life together, is a blessing that I am so unbelievably grateful for. Sean and I are so thrilled to share in Susie and Matt's excitement as they prepare their lives for their new little one. What an amazing gift to be able to experience this together, and we are already well on the road to helping each other through this crazy ride that we call pregnancy.

Susie is due about two weeks after me, and true to form, when we came over to celebrate with them, Susie and I had bought each other the exact same card!

Here's the congratulatory fist bump between Matt and Sean.....there was a really lovely "man hug" that we didn't get a picture of, unfortunately.....actually, it was a very long, very warm "man embrace". But you'll have to take my word for it.

Congratulations Susie and Matt! We can't wait for Tucker and Diego (my own little nickname for baby Weiss) to meet each other!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Oh Chanukah, Oh Chanukah....

One of the wonderful benefits of working for a Jewish agency means that instead of having Secret Santa, we have a Chanukah Harry gift exchange...and instead of a Christmas party with caroling and a tree, we have.....a Chanukah party with dreidels and gelt and LOTS of latkes!

Tonight Tucker experienced his/her very first Chanukah party, complete with a latke buffet, menorah lighting, and some rowdy renditions of old school Chanukah classics like "I am a Little Latke" and "The Dreidel Song". There was even a raffle, and Tucker's mom WON THE GRAND PRIZE (a night at a hotel in Union Square and $50 to the Cheesecake Factory)!! With all the festivities and the co-workers partaking in some Chanukah cheer, there was also something really sentimental about being in a room with 100 other people who all knew the Chanukah prayer and ate 50/50 applesauce and sour cream on their latkes. There was even a woman who sang "Oh Chanukah" in Yiddish, and reminded me so much of my Baubee.

I even had the amazing brainstorm that perhaps our "work Rabbi" could be persuaded to preside over the naming ceremony/bris for little Tucker in June.....hmmmmm....stay tuned!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Let it Snow, Let it Snow...

It is FREEZING here in San Francisco people! So cold in fact, that Tucker experienced his/her first city snowfall (in the nice warm confines of my womb, of course!). Last night Sean and I jumped out of bed when we heard the crashing of huge hail snowballs on our skylight and against our windows. Sean, being the warm-blooded Jersey boy that he is, thought nothing of running outside in his BOXERS to take pictures of a real San Francisco snowfall. Here are some pictures (taken circa 1:30 am, mind you) of our deck covered in "snow", our hot tub covered in "snow", and Sean's car covered in "snow". I love this last shot, because you can actually see the SNOW falling from the sky!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Girls

About three years ago, I met "The Girls". We all worked together in the trenches, at The Old Job. We quickly became a very close group, the four of us, and have celebrated many ups and downs together. Getting to know them was so unexpected, and yet now it feels as if we've known each other forever. They have truly been such a bright light in my life, and I am blessed to have them as role models, mentors, and the world's best ladies to laugh and gossip with. Between the three of them they are experts on motherhood, marriage, social work, friendship among women, all things domestic, and even puppies! We have shared holidays, dinners, parties, family stories, and tears and laughter about our clients. We have also shared pregnancies and the arrival of two of their beautiful babies, and I am so excited that my little one will be joining Caleb and Heidi for lunches at Sweet Tomatoes and walks around the Pleasant Hill mall :)

We met for lunch this weekend, but we missed Kerry and Caleb (he was making his rock star debut in the Christmas Parade!). Jenny and Kerrin welcomed me into the crazy land of pregnancy by surprising me with some great books and some itty bitty pairs of baby socks. Kerrin also brought us her world-famous gingerbread cookies....again, a domestic goddess!

Thanks girls, for the hours and hours of "catching up" that I was long overdue for.....and we miss you Kerry and Caleb!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I like to move it, move it....

Is it possible? Could this really be? I think that I may have felt Tucker move for the first time today!! Now granted, I know that I will not feel his/her little soccer kicks and elbows to the ribs for quite a while longer, but I have read that it is very common for women to start feeling a "fluttering" any time between week 16 and week 22. Yes, I know I am only 15 weeks along, but I did some reading online and it actually sounds like many women notice this feeling sooner than 16 weeks, especially if they know what they're looking for. According to the books, these movements are called "quickening", and they have been described as feeling like 1) someone tickling the inside of your tummy with a feather 2) a goldfish swimming around 3) popcorn popping 4) tiny bubbles popping on the inside of your stomach (to which Sean replied...."Like gas? It's probably just gas.") Now I know that maybe I am imagining things because I'm so excited to be pregnant, but seriously people....I'm 30 years old, and I know what gas feels like (sorry, TMI). I don't think this is gas.

On the off-chance that I am not losing my mind, and this was indeed my very first "Hello Momma!" from Tucker, here's how it all went down:

I was sitting on the couch, leaning against some pillows, reading the news on the computer. I started to feel a tickle below my belly button and to the left....but no where else. I thought it was an itch, so I scratched it....but it didn't go away. I thought maybe my shirt was tickling me, so I lifted my shirt, but the tickle continued. I stopped everything that I was doing, and put my hand on my belly. My eyes filled with tears and I started sending little thoughts Tucker's way. "Hi Tucker. I know you're there. Thank you for saying hello...we've been waiting such a long time to know what you're up to in there!" There is an amazing, overwhelming peace to feeling what could be the very first physical connection to your child. I can't wait for the day when Tucker's kicks, tumbles, and daily dancing in my stomach are a regular occurrence, and he/she can "communicate" with us this way. What a beautiful beginning to our relationship!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Yes, I have noticed that most of my blogs have been about food. Welcome to my world. I assume that as Tucker grows (and I grow), I will begin to have other things to blog about (choosing a stroller, buying baby clothes, names, etc.). But for now....

I had sushi tonight!!! Don't call my doctor, it wasn't raw. There are many things that a pregnant woman can eat at the neighborhood sushi joint, and in fact, these things are quite healthy for Tucker too. Seaweed salad, edamame, shrimp, tempura...ok, the tempura isn't such a healthy choice, but the rest was. I even ate two "fake rolls", with veggies, shrimp, and avocado....it was just like the real thing, but I didn't have to pick the nasty little fish eggs off the top!

Poor Sean, who can only tolerate sushi 1/10 times, was nice enough to indulge me after doing everything in his power to try to dissuade me. He even resorted to playing dirty, by telling me "You know, it's possible that they could make your cooked sushi with a contaminated knife that they used to cut the raw fish. Are you SURE you want to go?". He couldn't change my mind. Chopsticks make me so happy.

Galloping Horses

I said I'd never do it, but I did. We rented a doppler machine so that we could listen to Tucker's heartbeat by playing doctor in our own living room.

I ripped open the box tonight like a kid on the first night of Chanukah, skimmed over the directions (briefly read something about how the heartbeat will sound like galloping horses), yanked my skirt down to my hips and plopped down on the couch. The directions say to go slow, and there's a CD that plays what the baby's heartbeat should sound like, so you don't get it confused with your own....although FYI, it is REALLY easy to hear your stomach gurgle if you're hungry. So we put the gooey jelly on my stomach, and started moving the wand around......nothing.....Sean decided to give it a try......ummm, nothing.....I tried again, slooooowwly....CLOP CLOP CLOP CLOP....and there was Tucker! Nestled down low on my right side (instead of my left, like at the last doctor's appointment). Galloping horses! Sean started counting, and we estimated about 140 beats per minute....right on target!

We can actually save the sound of Tucker's heartbeat, and post it to the blog...but that's a technical task for another time. Stay tuned!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Welcome to my Second Trimester!!!

There is something magical and wonderful about finally entering my second trimester. I mean, doesn't it just sound like I'm SO far along? No? Well, work with me here people....because it sure feels that way.  One blessed evening when I'm not passed out on the couch from exhaustion....pour yourself a stiff drink and make a toast for me (I'd like a peach bellini, if you don't mind!), because I'm finally rounding the corner of first trimester misery!

Here are some fascinating facts about Tucker and I, now that he/she/and MOM are 14 weeks along:

1. Tucker is about the size of a fist, or a lemon.

2. Tucker can suck his/her thumb.

3. Tucker can pee. Don't ask where the pee goes, it's gross.

4. The placenta is taking over many of the "baby growing" duties.  Which means...

5.  I may not be back to my old self, but I am starting to slowly come back to life!  I've even done a few of my old chores (laundry, dishes) to the delight of my over-worked husband.

6. I am suddenly feeling less barfy. My list of foods that I can tolerate is slowly expanding again, meaning that Sean and I ate $70 worth of Dim Sum for lunch yesterday.  AND...

7.  I can go to the grocery store again!  Another chore that Sean is thrilled to pass back to me, especially when it occurs on a Sunday as he's watching football.  Only problem is, when I'm in the produce aisle all alone, and get a craving for tomatoes, I HAVE to buy them.  And the freezer aisle, with the popsicles...I HAVE to buy those too.  Sending a pregnant woman to the grocery store is a dangerous proposition.

8.  AND...according to the pregnancy books, my uterus is now moving above my pubic bone, which means that I am finally starting to "show"!

Boris Never Misses

As we prepare to be parents, we're also plowing through our "to-do" list of grown-up responsibilities. Like making sure we have life-insurance policies. Thankfully, my dear father-in-law works in the insurance business, and is helping us to set up what we need. My husband (the responsible planner) has had a policy for ages. Myself however, (the irresponsible procrastinator) just turned 30 and could very well have died for free.

Apparently, the life-insurance people are so eager to put money down on how long you'll live, that they can send the nurse to your house to take your blood and your vital signs when you set up your policy. This is what I like to call a Traveling Phlebotomist. I am terrified of having blood drawn, and as Sean learned the last few times he has gone with me, it's for good reason. I have very small, very thin veins. They are not only hard to find, but they have a bad habit of completely collapsing before all of the blood makes it into the tube. Needless to say, this is a stressful process for me. After trying to figure out how I could completely avoid this appointment, I decided that I was just fascinated enough by some random dude coming to draw blood and make me pee in a cup, in my own house no less, that I would make the appointment. I did however remind Sean that there was something very "21 Jumpstreet" about having a strange man with needles and vials come visit you on a Sunday morning.

When I called to make the appointment, I mentioned to the woman that I would need them to bring a butterfly needle, because of my "tiny-vein syndrome". She obliged, and then added, don't worry "Boris never misses". BORIS??!

Boris arrived this morning, 15 minutes early, and our traveling phlebotomist was EXACTLY like his name implies. Late 50's, old-school East-German dude, who grunted questions and was having nothing of our pleasantries. Even when I reminded him that the woman on the phone spoke highly of him. "She said Boris never misses....no pressure or anything" I told him. No response. He's tying the tourniquet thing around one arm, then the other, rubbing my veins and trying to decide which one he'll use. He finally moves to the back of my hand (I TOLD you so, people! This is not an easy process for me!) and starts flicking my vein with his finger....very heroin chic. I can already hear the sirens outside, and Johnny Depp at my door. Sean comes over to rub my shoulder and sit with me. "Talk about something to take my mind off of this" I ask him. "Wow, your blood is really thick! It takes forever to fill up a vial!" NOT THAT, please! Something else?! "That needle isn't a butterfly needle, it's a MOSQUITO needle"! NOT funny.

Finally, Boris is finished. He directs me to go pee in a cup (I'm a pro at peeing on command....it's one of the special skills that all pregnant women have). He also took my blood pressure (3 times, alternating arms?). I wasn't going to ask questions. He measured my height, and standing in my socks I was suddenly 5'4"? I have been 5'3" since the 7th grade....but apparently this baby is not only helping me to grow in width (I won't even mention THAT number), but it's helping me to grow in length!

Whew.....cross this "grown-up" task right off the list. Now I'm free to up and die at any moment, and we're covered. Thanks Boris.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Steak and Biscuits

We adore our friend Mike, and it's been a happy coincidence that he runs a great restaurant here in the city....because we have been able to share some really special occasions there. New job? Go to Lark Creek Steak. Anniversary? Lark Creek. Promotion? Yep....we're back again.

Tonight, we went to celebrate being pregnant. Of course, we've been pregnant for 14 weeks now, but we wanted to share our good news with Mike. My darling husband has also been trying soooo hard to find a way to break me out of this horrible rut I've been in (hormones are FUN), and knew that a spur-of-the-moment date night would do just the trick! I have to tell you, as wonderful as it was to see Mike, it was a HUGE success to be able to stomach meat and vegetables again! Hel-loooo second trimester!

Who knew that Lark Creek was a pregnant chick's HEAVEN? I could finally indulge in a caesar salad, because they were smart enough to make it with a pasteurized egg product. We had the porterhouse steak for two, and the super-friendly chefs were happy to make my filet as dead as the pregnancy books said it should be, while cooking Sean's piece nice and medium-well. Then, the brussel sprouts with apples and bacon finally pushed me into the proper part of the food triangle! A salad? Brussel sprouts? I'm finally eating vegetables again people!! Tucker is probably doing cartwheels of joy! Actually, he's probably doing triple flips, because we ended our meal with an apple crisp and AMAZING soft chocolate chip cookies (with a vanilla cream drink to dip in). Oh yeah, and we had some potato latkes too....which were pretty authentic considering they were on the menu as "potato pancakes". Mike sure knows how to show the love to preggie girls....and to the Jews!!!

The only down side was the complimentary starter that came out.....goat cheese on crostini, with beets. Just as an extra kick in the ass, because I can't touch my beloved goat cheese and had to watch Sean eat both of them. Oh well, not their fault.

I may be back in the game here folks. Bring on the nutrients!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Belly Shot!

13 Weeks pregnant! OK, well maybe I was pushing my stomach out a LITTLE bit, and maybe this picture was taken after TWO Thanksgiving dinners, but still....this is what 13 weeks looks like folks!