Thursday, March 3, 2011

Love, Belated

Hey Peeps! Guess what I just realized?? My mom forgot to post pictures from my very first BIG BOY Valentine's Day!

After a few nights of me sleeping better, my mom got a little inspired and planned a last minute V-Day playdate for some of my neighbor friends. I was so excited about celebrating a day that was all about love....I wore this very special shirt to honor the occasion!
Let's Party!
We have a little tradition in my mommy's family of getting a special stuffed animal on V-Day. My mom got a pink elephant when she was little, and it was so important to her that she even took it with her to college! What? I wasn't supposed to share that? Geesh...sorry! Here I am opening my valentine mailbox, and discovering the stuffed puppy inside...
OK, that picture fast-forwarded a see, I got to open the box in my jammies before my friends came over!
So happy V-Day to all of you! Here's a big kiss from me, from inside my tent. It's safer in here when any girls come to play!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you my faithful blog readers!

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