Saturday, April 18, 2009

Showered With Love

Dear Max,

Today was your baby shower, and what an amazing afternoon we had! It was surreal to be there as your MOM, to feel you move inside of me while we honored you and dreamed about what kind of boy you will be. I was awestruck by all of the love and good wishes that we received, and the way that everyone honored you and I, and your Dad.

Pam and Susie were thoughtful hostesses, taking care of every little detail and adding some adorable touches like cookies that spelled your name, blue M&Ms, a delicious lunch, fun trivia games about the last eight months, and even a celebrity baby quiz! It was one of the first warm (almost summer!) days that we had, and I was able to spend time in Pam's beautiful backyard, talking to all of the women who had come from all parts of California to share in the excitement of your upcoming arrival. I was so touched to be surrounded by strong women from all parts of my life. It was like coming full circle Max, sharing the expectation of you with women who held me when I was a baby, women who helped me grow, women who went to college with me, who worked with me, women who shared my adult years, and more.

These are the women who will teach me how to hold you, bathe you, feed you. These are the women who will rally around our family and act as our foundation as we grow together. Some of them will babysit you. Some of them have children that you will grow up with. They will all be a part of our lives, and we are so blessed to have such amazing friends and family. Even our family from far away was there in spirit. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and good friends sent gifts and cards, and we felt them with us in the sunshine yesterday.

I am so thankful for all of the people who love us and have rallied around our growing family to shower us with love, good wishes, and tips and tricks for how to care for you.

We're all waiting to meet you Max!!


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