Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Then Comes The Baby in The Baby Carriage!

MAX IS 2 MONTHS OLD TODAY! Just like last month (take a look at the 6/29 post), we took a picture of Max in his brown chair so that we can see how much he's grown! (Can you tell we love this outfit from Nana and Jeanette? He's been wearing it alot recently for photo ops!)
Max has changed so much! He can hold his head up now for quite a while, and then it bobbles or falls down a bit when he gets tired. He loves to kick his arms and legs, and babbles and talks to us all the time. He has learned to blow raspberries, and even makes the "motorboat" sound. His smile is just adorable, and it's getting bigger and bigger every day! He has also started to use his arms to "hold us" even more, and getting those little hugs just makes us melt. His facial expressions are hysterical, and he seems to be responding to our voices and our faces so much more now. His little personality just keeps growing and growing....
And so does his body! Yesterday he weighed in at 10 lbs 13 oz!!
In honor of his 2 month birthday, Max decided to take real naps today! He had an hour and a half morning nap (in my arms, of course....but I couldn't complain!) Then after his afternoon bottle I put him in his seat so that I could pack up the diaper bag and we could go run some errands. I turned around, and this is what I found:
He had fallen asleep completely on his own! Just like a big 2 month old boy! Afternoon naps!!!! Without being driven around in the car, or wheeled around in the stroller! YES!!! Who knows if it will ever happen again, but for now....we'll take it!

Here's one more picture of our little big shot, wearing an adorable outfit from Pop-Pop and Pauline!
Happy 2 months little guy! We can't wait to see what next month will bring!!

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