Sunday, May 29, 2011

The View From Two....

There was something different about Max's birthday this year..... He was old enough to take it ALL in....
And I found that we didn't get too many pictures, because we were so busy LIVING every minute of Max's celebration. (Ahem, Tori....did you get some great shots that we can poach from you??)

The day was punctuated with dear family, good friends, sweet treats, and a nautical theme that honored our new little community by the sea.....

Max enjoyed every second of playing with his little friends, and the beach breeze didn't seem to bother them as they dumped water and splashed till they were all completely soaked! Thank you for the great pirate ship water table Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop!
There were presents to explore,

and cupcakes to eat....

Did I mention how this little birthday boy bonded with these cupcakes? We're trialing baked egg and baked milk now, which means that Max got to eat the real dang thing....and eat he did.

So what does it feel like to be 2? Well, kind of like this.....

This self-portrait wasn't exactly centered, but I think it's a good example of how Max is feeling, now that he's a big boy and all....

The view from two? It's EXCELLENT.

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