Thursday, May 5, 2011

Walking Backwards

Yep, Max now knows how to walk backwards. And so does his Mama, which means that before we get to pictures of our San Diego trip, we need to walk back in time a little bit to catch everyone up on what happened before we left....
We celebrated the lovely Mama Susie at her baby shower, honoring Jack's soon-to-be-born little sister. The beautiful (ahem...glowing!) Janette and I co-hosted a party for my Roomie, and spent an afternoon with Weiss/Campion friends and family, pampering ourselves at the nail salon and dreaming about what this new little one will be like. Sus, Matt and Jack....we are so beyond excited for you guys, and can't wait to meet your new addition (I'm thinking sometime this month :) We also had Aunt Katie visit us at Casa By The Bay. She was flat out AMAZING with Max. Really. She's a natural with kids, and Max LOVED how she would get right down on the floor with him and play at his level....

And I think she's the only one other than Max who can actually FIT... the box!!!!

We were so lucky to have Baubee here too....she invented this fun train game that Max likes to play, where the train goes flying off of the shelf, and then they saw "Ow!" and then they check to make sure the people in the train are ok. They're always ok. Though it's a bit morbid, but oh well :) Max LOVES it.

And he loves showing off his puzzle prowess too....

OK....more to come soon. I'm stuck in bed with ice wrapped around my face, due to the Great Wisdom Tooth Extraction of 2011. Thank god for helpers....Sean is working from home, our amazing sitter is here helping every day, and my mom is coming back to town tonight. And Vicodin. Thank god for Vicodin. And frozen peas. And McDonald's milkshakes. Yes Kerry, I sipped one carefully from a spoon, for you :)

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